38.13 million – The number of active internet users in South Africa (Statista January, 2021.)
R225 billion – The expected online shopping expenditure in South Africa by 2025.(Business Insider, 2020.)
The pandemic has influenced a substantial amount of people in South Africa to become familiar with – and active in – online shopping. And it will only continue to grow.
Don’t be fooled by the pandemic however, no-no.
These and other related statistics have been on the rise over the past decade as a result of the advancements in technology and connectivity across the globe.
The world as we know it – whether we like it or not – is going more and more digital.
Our mobile devices are now practically mini-computers in our pockets. Online grocery and fashion shopping are reaching new heights every single year. Nearly all banks have an online banking system. You can obtain your degree through an online institute. Join a virtual gym-class. Buy and sell something that you don’t even physically have to touch.
It’s all going digital.
Luckily – as a business owner – this spells opportunity.
According to statistics and surveys, a large portion of consumers spend more time on their mobile devices than they do sleeping in the normal 24-hour day.
So what does this mean?
They are easily exposed to your business’s marketing efforts, and are even more likely to engage with it – since the beauty of digital marketing allows you to target consumers that have openly expressed an interest in the products or services your business has to offer.
The internet truly presents every single business with the opportunity to expand its customer base, improve its marketing efforts (and tremendously save on traditional marketing costs), as well as help the business to achieve maximum efficiency in it’s operations.
But, does your business take advantage of putting itself right in front of the eyes of the mass-online audience?
Does your business leverage the opportunity to have it’s virtual doors open 24/7, and from across the globe?
Your consumers are out there – searching for your products and services – and we’re here to help you put your business at their fingertips.

Aesthetic Marketers can help you:
- Build or re-design your business’s website
- Rank your website through search engine optimization
- Run your Google and Facebook advertising campaigns
- Provide on-going website assistance
Check out our digital services to find our more about what we can do to help your business succeed in the digital world.